Monday, April 5, 2010

When Does It Stop ???

    Just when things are going the way you want them,here we go again.
The boyfriend comes along and puts the wrench into things.
Your daughter used to have a curfew. Well that just went out the window.(Literally)
Your hoping she wakes up to realize she is going down the wrong road.
We just sit back and watch our family get destroyed.
 Suddenly she took an intrest in alcohol.
Think things could'nt get worse they always seem
to get a little harder before they get better.
  Now it's time to start fighting back. Things are going
to start changing around the house.They had it all
but now it's going back to the basics. One thing taken        away at a time. Till realization starts to set in.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Whats The Attraction

 Question of the day .  Why are they attracted to the bad boy ???
I would have to say in my younger days it was a little bit of a rush.
The more trouble the better. Popularity could be playing a big roll.
 Chances are this is not the person thats going to be your son in law.
I could be wrong .  Lets hope for the best thats all we can do.
 In highschool all the kids are looking for there place in life. All
we can do is give them direction. I heard last night you give your
children roots and wings. With the hopes they use those wings to take
them to a beautiful future.

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